News & Activities

Finding the Beauty of Mingho Hall of Hsinchu

In order to promote proper leisure and to reflect the beauty of the living environment at Mingho Hall, Golden Brother’s Hsinchu office particularly arrange a special photo campaign named “Find the Beauty of Mingho Hall of Hsinchu”.  After a number of applications and dedicated reviewing, a total of nice excellent works were selected.  Later on Aug. 19 (Thur.), the ceremony was held with awards and bonus to honor the top three and the best works so as to encourage them for their participation.  


The first three works are “The front Yard-2”, “Pavilion on Cloudy Appeal”, and “Entrance At Night Maotzu Dorm” and the winners are Bote, Cassie and Ivan.  We would like to give our thankfulness to those winners not only for their award winning but also for their dedication and hard work for Taiwan’s enterprises. 


On behalf of Golden Brother, President Golden Li also gives his big hands to the staff of Hsinchu for the contribution to this event; furthermore, he would like to encourage all the management team at each areas to host more "warm and sensible" activities that can show the sincerity and good intention of Golden Brother's service. 

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