News & Activities

Charity Activity by Golden Brother and Ann's Charity Society in Chungli

In order to fulfill the company’s corporate social responsibility, Golden Brother International has been collaborating with the Ann's Charity Society to donate a batch of materials to vulnerable ethnic groups in the vicinity of the Zhongli headquarters.


This donation was made by colleagues Mr. Mingqiu Lin, Mr. Frank Chang, Michael Liu, and Shuohan Wang from the company, along with members of the Ann’s Charity Society, to six villages including Zhongyi Village, Zhongyuan Village, Wenhua Village, Fuhua Village, Fuxing Village, and Xinghua Village.  Together with the heads of a subdivision of the aforementioned villages, Golden Brother will provide a certain living materials for vulnerable families to help them relieve living pressure and hope to utilize this event to attract valuable insights and create a better social environment together with other enterprises.


On the morning of November 8th (Wednesday), with the assistance of Zhu, Cheng'en, the head of a subdivision of Fuxing Village, and Zeng, Ronghuan, the head of a subdivision of Fuhua Village, a total of 228 supply materials were provided to the people in need of assistance in those six villages.  It is hoped that this "Love and Warm Care Activity" can bring some warmth to the aforementioned residents and make a contribution to the peace and prosperity of society.

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點閱人數 : 622