News & Activities

Golden Brother Conducted EHS Meeting in Feb., 2021

Golden Brother conducted its EHS meeting on Feb. 25 (Thur.) 2021 and went over 14 subjects routinely scheduled in the EHS meeting.  Furthermore, a few more issues were brought up in the meeting:

1. The “Human Rights Policy” in company’s official website under section of Corporate Social Responsibility (both English and Chinese)

2. The concepts of ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 and the corresponding articles of ISO14001.  Samples from one of esteemed universities were used to demonstrate the 4-level documents requested to getting ISO14001 certified.  Overall, EHS chairman Lee specifically pointed out the PDCA management skills can be applied to all daily routines. 

3. The “Recommendations and Supporting Recommended Disclosures” from TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) were adopted by Lee to demonstrate how the EHS issues can be addressed by focusing on “corporate governance”, “strategic planning”, “risk management”, and “setting metrics and targets”.  

Other issues such as waste reducing, water tower cleaning, Spring Safety feedbacks, dormitory checking list, Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and sewage disposal were also briefed by EHS members of each areas.  It is our hope, after the new year of OX, Golden Brother can provide ever more excellent and better service to our customers and migrant workers after continuous transforming and adaptations.  

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